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Maamow Ochinaakatwopimitiyaak

Looking After One Another Together

The KiHS video website will provide valuable teachings and be utilized in KIHS courses. The videos are about fostering relationships with Knowledge Keepers and Elders to preserve the knowledge for educational use for course teachers and with the general public by sharing the knowledge with preserving the historical knowledge and passing on the knowledge with the younger generations with bringing awareness for the Indigenous’ worldview.

Fostering relationships is building trust for people to share the knowledge with an understanding these teachings will be taken with care for the intended purpose for our young people and people who want to learn more about the Indigenous Culture and Languages.

KiHS works directly with 15 First Nations Communities and Secondary students. KiHS is committed to establishing meaningful and lifelong connections for students and staff for their well-being by making connections with the Culture, Land, and Languages by moving forward with the Maamow Ochinaakatwopimitiyaak ᒫᒧᐤ ᐅᒋᓈᑲᑞᐱᒥᑎᔮᐠ “Looking after One Another, Together.”  The Indigenous peoples’ core beliefs and values for the Mental (mind), Spiritual, Physical, and Emotional aspects of self are interconnected through Land, Culture, Language, and Wellness teachings that can lead to academic success and to have balance in life. 

KiHS was created in 2000 at the request of the KO Chiefs. Our mandate was and still is, to provide quality high school education for students who wish to remain in their communities. The Chiefs at the time recognized that for many families and students, leaving home to attend high school was the only option, and it was not a good option. The Chiefs tasked education leaders to find a way to use the power of the internet to build a new school.  KiHS began in 2000 as a grade 9 program in five communities. Within five years, it had expanded to a dozen communities with programming up to grade. Today, with over 70 different courses, KiHS offers more options to students than most urban schools.  

KiHS is a Private First Nations High School that is inspected regularly by the Ministry of Education in Ontario. This inspection process is required by all schools wishing to grant credits towards an Ontario Secondary School Diploma.