In February 2023 during KiHS Teacher’s Professional Development, staff had an opportunity to learn about Traditional medicine from Elder Bella Patayash and Elder Rebecca...
Memekwe Apetawakeesic, Weagamow, a concept artist. She talks about painting techniques and painting tips. Painting takes focus and dedication. She is pursuing a career...
Taz Kenequanash, Weagamow, a hunter and trapper. Taz’s dad taught him to be out on the land at a very young age. Taz teaches about rabbit snaring in this video. Hunting...
Maurice Kwandibens’, Weagamow, is a hunter. He first hunted his first moose at the age of 8 with his uncle teachings him how to be a hunter. Family teaches you about the...
Caidence Quequish, Weagamow, a broom ball player. She started playing at a young age. Caidence’s mother had her to start playing broomball and now competes in...
Antwon Suggashie and Jayden Moose, Poplar Hill. KiHS Students talk about speaking their Ojibway language. Antwon wants to speak the old Ojibway language taught by his...